Tips for acid reflux


Scott Snyder



A common misconception is that acid reflux results from too much acid in the stomach, called hyperacidity. Many are shocked to learn that, typically, the real cause of most acid reflux is insufficient acids! Acid deficiency is a condition called hypoacidity. Here's why acid deficiency causes more acid reflux:

Hypoacidity is associated with slow, heavy digestion. As a person ages, the acid producing cells of the stomach start to die off which leads to weak stomach acid production. Dehydration also contributes to low acid production. When stomach acids are weak or deficient, food sits in the stomach for a long time, partially undigested. This called food stagnation. The longer these stagnant foods sit and churn in the stomach, they more they tend to regurgitate and cause that unpleasant reflux sensation.

  • Hypoacidity = Insufficient acid production. hypoacidity if you feel fatigued or sluggish after eating, if your appetite becomes weaker, if you burp or feel bloated on a regular basis.

  • Hyperacidity = Excessive acid secretions. Suspect hyperacidity if you tend to have a ravenous appetite, strong pulse, a red tip on the tongue, and quick transit time of food through the digestive tract.


With hypoacidity, it’s recommended to…

🌱 Avoid all difficult to digest foods as possible, including, raw foods, beans, peanuts, wheat, red meat, cheese, and milk.

🌱 Adopt a diet of easy to digest foods, like soups, stews, Kitchari, and broths that have all been cooked for a long time

🌱 Cook with kitchen herbs and spices, like black pepper, fresh ginger, fennel seeds which can stimulate digestion and the secretion of gastric juices.

🌱 Keep hydrated. When dehydrated, your body produces less acid. Drink warm water, herbal teas by preference or room-temp water (no ice or cold water!). Sip a cup of fennel or ginger tea or aromatics like bitter orange peel tea because it accelerates gastric emptying of the stomach and clears the food stagnation that causes reflux.

With hyperacidity, it’s recommended to…

🌱 Avoid spicy foods, red meat, alcohol and replacing them with heavier foods that reduce acid production, like wheat, avocados, and tapioca pudding.

🌱 Avoid over stimulating the blood and circulation by reducing intense exercise, particularly something demanding and heating like hot yoga.

🌱 Drink cranberry, pomegranate and alo vera juices that are both astringent and cooling. They soothe and tighten the digestive tract, reducing excess acid secretions. You can also drink licorice root teas.

🌱 This type of acid reflux is caused by intense emotions and high stress work environments so you’ll want to take on some sort of meditation practice to sustainably manage stress.